““Making your herd’s genetic code fit your zip code””
Welcome Solo Cup Cow inquiries … you are in the right place
I try to poke holes in a few “paradigms” that have been taught for the past 50-75 years
I have a few different ideas than you typically hear in the livestock world
“Steve has taken a lot of this information beyond where my studying stopped.”
— Gearld Fry
Industry has turned our soil into dirt, diversity into monoculture, nourishment into commodity, resulting in degenerated soil, plants, animals and HUMANS.
I promote things that are natural, work, follow nature and don’t cost a lot of money. I promote using natural toxin binders to remove what the wind blows in from your neighbor and how to re-mineralize your soil without breaking the bank.
“To learn who rules over you,
simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
“When you tear out a man’s tongue you are not proving him a liar, you are only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
George R R Martin
"We tend to take every precaution to safeguard our material possessions because we know what they cost. But at the same time we neglect things which are much more precious because they don't come with price tags attached: The real value of things like our eyesight or relationships or freedom can be hidden to us, because money is not changing hands."
— Peter D. Kaufman