Weston A Price Foundation Conference and FARM MATCH

I attended the WAP Foundation conference in Allan Texas on the 5-8th of November. What a positive experience. I have been a fan of Weston A Price for 20 years now. A chiropractor told me of his work and I was immediately hooked. Being around 1100 positive, like minded people was inspiring.

Lucky me this year, I set up my booth right next to Max Kane of FARMMATCH. I have always struggled to help ranchers find outlets to sell their clean, mineral-rich beef direct to consumers. Give farm match a look HERE and see if their policies align with yours.

Happy Giving THANKS Day

Posted on November 24, 2021 .

Homeopathy for the "Flerd"

Ellen Bench of Stevensville Montana is a VERY experienced homeopathist. You can find out about her low cost solutions/prevention’s for a number of different species of animals and common ailments … HERE

I highly recommend their products.

Posted on September 29, 2021 .

Working Cows podcast with Clay Conrey episode 196

With the dry year quite a few of us are experiencing, animal performance and health ARE going to suffer. Clay Conery and I discussed some low cost supplements to help our livestock MAINTAIN until it cools of and the rains start again.

I hope some of the information in … THIS … episode of working cows podcast (#196) can help you and your animals navigate the current drought.

Posted on July 1, 2021 .