A very good interview. Cooper knows his stuff and has the data/information at his fingertips on how to create cows adapted to his/your environment and how to graze to maximize forage and animal performance.
Listen to that interview HERE
A very good interview. Cooper knows his stuff and has the data/information at his fingertips on how to create cows adapted to his/your environment and how to graze to maximize forage and animal performance.
Listen to that interview HERE
Listen to Whitney Webb as she tells Glenn Beck how she sees the world is being controlled … HERE
Glenn says this is the most powerful interview he has don in 40+ years!!!
I have already met people from:upstate New York, California, Texas and Michigan.
The excitement already seems to be as high as last year.
Headed out early in the morning to look at a herd of cattle and then set up my booth for the conference.
Wish you were here!!!