One of my goals has always been to help the Rancher/Farmer to get and keep their animals the LOWEST COST

I am really ready to start promoting Ellen Bench’s Homeopathic treatments for livestock (and Humans).

She recently did two podcasts with Clay Conery on the Working Cows podcast. After the first episode

Ellen received so many phone calls about how to use the products she described, she quickly aske Clay if she could do a second podcast on how to implement the remedies into their operations.

All of her contact information can be found in the show notes in those two episodes (if you are interested).

Posted on August 4, 2024 .

Collectively, we as citizens of the USA are getting what we deserve!

A quote from someone in the Czech Republic

"The danger to America is not Joseph Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.  The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America.  Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.  The American Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool.  It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president. “

I doubt anyone reading this is to blame, but the majority no longer stand for what we used to stand for here in these DIS-United States

Posted on June 10, 2024 .

An especially "exciting to me" addition to my fall schedule

Maureen Diaz of GOD’S GOOD TABLE is joining me at Tara and Aaron Helmick’s farm in Greenville WV.

We are planning a two day event. Day one is more focused on the home and the garden, sourcing and preparing clean,and nutritious food. Day two is more about the farm, the soil, and the livestock. A live animal demonstration will cap off the end of day two. For more information click HERE

To see my entire summer and fall schedule, click HERE Who knows, I might be traveling in your area. I always leave a little room in my schedule to add in a ranch visit or two.

Posted on May 24, 2024 .

25 Republican Govenors have joined in Support of Texas in Securing the Southern border

The following is from Newsweek … and surprisingly other LIBERAL news organizations have also reported on this

“A total of 25 Republican governors backed Texas Governor Greg Abbott's "right to self-defense" in a joint statement issued on Thursday.

On Wednesday, Abbott issued a statement accusing President Joe Biden of violating "his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress." Abbott has been fighting with the Justice Department over his migrant deterrent tactics as he tries to secure the U.S.-Mexico border from illegal crossings.

The joint statement by Abbott's fellow Republican governors read: "We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border.

"We do it in part because the Biden Administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books and is illegally allowing mass parole across America of migrants who entered our country illegally."

Is it simply a FALSE FLAG … go HERE for a Michael Yon interview

Map of states backing Texas

In my opinion, it is sad that ONLY 25 states have joined this fight.

Looks like a lot of borders will need protecting at some point in the future!

…and I live on the South Western side of Idaho about 15 miles from where the border with Oregon starts to get “curvy”

The map below caught my attention today . . .

I apologize that today’s blog does not deal with livestock. I would simply like to have a country to have livestock in twenty years from now. Perhaps this is part of that, “Your old men dream dreams” thing.

Posted on January 29, 2024 .